Updated for 38.141 (v17.9.0 2023-5). Learn more.
Remote Command - PUCCH Test Config
User Interface - PUCCH Test Config
SCPI Command |
[:SOURce]:RADio:NR5G:WAVeform[:ARB]:CCARrier<carrier>:CONFig:PUCCh "PUCCHTestConfigType:F0T831|F1T8321|F1T8322|F2T8331|F2T8332|F3T834|F4T835|F1T83611|F1T83612|F0T837|F1T8381|F1T8382|F2T839|F3T8310|F0T8311|F1T83121|F1T83122|F3T8313,SubcarrierSpacing:SCS15K|SCS30K|SCS60K|SCS120K,Bandwidth:FR1BW5M|FR1BW10M|FR1BW20M|FR1BW40M|FR1BW100M|FR2BW50M|FR2BW100M|FR2BW200M,DuplexType:FDD|TDD,PhaseCompensation:AUTO|MANual|OFF,AdditionalDMRS:ON|OFF|1|0,NumberOfSymbols:<integer>,PUCCHFormat3Test:TEST1|TEST2,SlotConfigurationPeriod:MS0P5|MS0P625|MS1|MS2|MS1P25|MS2P5|MS5|MS10,NumberOfDownlinkSlots:<integer>,NumberOfDownlinkSymbols:<integer>,NumberOfUplinkSlots:<integer>,NumberOfUplinkSymbols:<integer>" |
SCPI Example |
RAD:NR5G:WAV:CCAR0:CONF:PUCC "PUCCHTestConfigType:F1T8321,SubcarrierSpacing:SCS30K,DuplexType:TDD,SlotConfigurationPeriod:MS5,NumberOfDownlinkSlots:5,NumberOfDownlinkSymbols:3,NumberOfUplinkSlots:4,NumberOfUplinkSymbols:1" |
Couplings |
PUCCH test configuration parameters and their default values are listed below: PUCCHTestConfigType: F0T831, Bandwidth: FR1BW100M, SubcarrierSpacing: SCS30K, DuplexType: FDD, PhaseCompensation: AUTO , AdditionalDMRS: OFF, PUCCHFormat3Test: TEST1, NumberOfSymbols: 1, SlotConfigurationPeriod: MS5, NumberOfDownlinkSlots: 7, NumberOfDownlinkSymbols: 6, NumberofUplinkSlots: 2, NumberOfUplinkSymbols: 4. One combined string is needed to be inputted in SCPI command. The format of it is "name: value , name: value …" . Default value will be used if parameter is not provided. The order of parameters does not matter. Parameter's name and value are case sensitive. If parameter's type is enum and the inputted enum value is illegal , error " -224, Illegal parameter value; xxx has incorrect value." will be generated. |
GUI Location |
Apps > 5G NR > Carrier UL > PUCCH Test Config |
When PUCCH Test Config Type is ‘38.141-8.3.1 ACK missed detection for PUCCH format 0’, the ‘Number of symbols’ is visible to set.
When PUCCH Test Config Type is ‘38.141-8.3.4 UCI BLER performance for PUCCH format 3’, the ‘PUCCH Format3 Test’ is visible to select Test1 or Test2
When PUCCH Test Config Type is ‘38.141-8.3.4 UCI BLER performance for PUCCH format 3’ or ‘38.141-8.3.5 UCI BLER performance for PUCCH format 4’, the ‘Additional DMRS’ is visible to enable or disable additional DMRS. (For PUCCH Format 3 Test2, Additional DMRS is fixed to off).
Selects the PUCCH Test Config Type, the choices are defined in the section 8.3 of 38.141.
For ACK missed detection test, we use all ‘1’ as the payload.
For NACK to ACK detection test and UCI BLER test, we use PN9 as the payload.
Selects the Subcarrier Spacing.
Subcarrier Spacing (kHz) |
FR# |
Channel Bandwidth (MHz) |
15 |
FR1 |
5 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
FR1 |
10 |
20 |
40 |
100 |
60 |
FR2 |
50 |
100 |
120 |
FR2 |
50 |
100 |
200 |
Select the Bandwidth configuration for the carrier.
Subcarrier Spacing (kHz) |
FR# |
Channel Bandwidth (MHz) |
15 |
FR1 |
5 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
FR1 |
10 |
20 |
40 |
100 |
60 |
FR2 |
50 |
100 |
120 |
FR2 |
50 |
100 |
200 |
Choices: TDD | FDD
Selects the duplex type.
When TDD is selected, several TDD parameters appear below. These TDD parameters are reset to default values whenever numerology changes or FR changes. (The default values are different for each numerology.)
Sets the periodicity of DL-UL pattern. The choices are related to numerology.
Sets the number of consecutive full DL slots at the beginning of each DL-UL pattern. The range is related to the numerology and slot configuration period.
Range: 0 ~ 14 for Normal CP; 0 ~ 12 for Extended CP
Sets the number of consecutive DL symbols in the beginning of the slot following the last full DL slot.
Sets the number of consecutive full UL slots at the end of each DL-UL pattern. The range is related to the numerology and slot configuration period.
Range: 0 ~ 14 for Normal CP; 0 ~ 12 for Extended CP
Sets the number of consecutive UL symbols in the end of the slot preceding the first full UL slot.
Displays the number of special slots.
Displays the TDD slot allocation for one period.
Choices: Auto | Manual | Off
Default: Auto
Set the phase compensation mode on the baseband signal before upconversion.
Phase compensation is not applicable for PRACH carrier.
Auto: Use the RF frequency from the instrument node.
Manual: Enter the RF frequency manually.
Off: Disable phase compensation on baseband signal.
Choices: 1 | 2
Default: 1
Set the number of OFDM symbols when PUCCH Test Config Type is 38.141-8.3.1 ACK missed detection for PUCCH format 0.
Choices: Test1 | Test2
Default: Test1
Select the PUCCH Format3 Test when PUCCH Test Config Type is 38.141-8.3.4 UCI BLER performance for PUCCH format 3.
Choices: On | Off
Default: Off
Set additional DMRS for PUCCH format 3 and format 4.